How to overcome work stress in a Call Center

Overcoming work stress in a Call Center can be easy

Overcoming work stress in a Call Center can be easy

Overcoming work stress in a Call Center can be easy. According to the latest research, being informed about the characteristics of stress protects us from its negative effects. This is because having a positive perception of stress decreases its effects on the body.

How can this be?

As in most aspects of life, everything depends on the color of the glass with which you look. That is, if we can change our mental perspective on what is and what is not stressful, to what extent it is, and if that stress compensates us in some way and is aligned with what we want to achieve.

Stress is a response of our body to an external situation that causes an imbalance. But thanks to these physiological reactions the organism makes changes and adjustments to achieve that balance between the external and internal environment.

Three examples that reflect work stress in a Call Center

  • The volume of work has increased, incoming calls are constant and not all breaks can be made. You cannot increase the number of people at this time due to lack of space. This produces a feeling of overwhelm, irritation and workers are more tired and moody.
  • There has been a technical incident and customers call very angry, several times, they interrupt the work constantly. Managers experience a strong sense of frustration because they are not the cause of the incident but have to face the client. They don’t have enough information they feel very insecure because they want to do their job well. However, they convey that insecurity to customers, who perceive it and are even more pissed off.
  • A multinational company has bought the company. Everyone is nervous. There are conflicting instructions and it is not clear what needs to be explained to the client. This generates a feeling of widespread insecurity.

How can I consider stress to be positive?

There are circumstances in which some people get stressed and others don’t. The difference between them, regardless of their life history, is how these people face the circumstances. If they consider it a challenge and an opportunity to learn and grow, the reaction of their organism and their behavior will be totally different from the person living the same circumstance as a threat and a danger.

In general, we would consider these situations to be stressful because they involve changes from previous routines. However, if we knew that once the difficulties were overcome we would get an additional salary or an additional week’s vacation, would we change our perspective of the situation? If we knew that those who help overcome the situation and improve the work environment will get promoted, could we consider that stress as an opportunity? Would it be possible that we consider that working under pressure makes us more productive and increases our concentration?

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Four frequent mistakes when using assertiveness in customer service

Assertiveness in customer service is one of the basic tools, especially in situations of conflict, complaints, incidents or claims

Every Thursday we bring you advice related to the world of Contact Center and Customer Service. Today we will see what are the main errors of managing conflict situations in a call.

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The most frequent errors are:

Convince the client that he is not right. Enter into discussions, get on the same level as the interlocutor regarding bad language.

  • Instead, you must listen more than talk. We should not take the client’s anger as personal. We have to adopt a professional attitude.

Use a telephone communication full of ambiguities and without concretions.

  • To avoid this, you must achieve effective communication. Ask specific, concise and clear questions that have concrete answers and are simple for the client. You should also avoid abstract concepts. It is better to talk about concrete examples according to the information that the client gives you or with examples of other cases in similar situations.

Demonstrate superiority through aggressive language and expressiveness.

  • It is more effective to convey security, sincerity and tranquility. If all the conversation insists on these principles, the client will tend to imitate this behavior.

Disregard the opinion or knowledge of the client.

  • Many times we already know that the customer is not right. The mission of the telephone manager is to provide fair information so that the client can tell and offer an alternative solution.

Just as managers must be assertive, customers can also be assertive.

One of the basic tools of telephone communication is assertiveness.

We say that a person is assertive when:

Express opinions

Translated into the language of customer service we can say that we must respect the opinions of our client. Take into account that the client has information about his case and some acquaintances. We can have information on many cases similar to those of the client. This information can be expressed assertively.

Defend your own rights freely,

The customer who claims his service or product rights when he has paid for it is in his right. Only 1% of customers claim their rights, so we must make it an opportunity to offer a solution and build loyalty.

It does not allow others to take advantage of it.

If the client feels cheated, he becomes angry and stops being a client. It is your right. In order to maintain effective communication you must strive to be clear, concrete and concise to clear up confusion. Providing adequate information focused on the client’s objectives helps build trust.

It is considered with the feelings and opinions of others.

Since telephone communication is a two-way channel, assertiveness makes it possible to transmit an appropriate way to treat the interlocutor. As specialists in effective communication you must master this mechanism. It is about arguing calmly about the facts and neglecting the assumptions.

Every Thursday we will have a new tip in our blog.

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