Quality and eAlicia Workshop, Madrid, 27 de junio

How to manage Quality in Customer Experience

On June 27, the Goya room of the Madrid Chamber of Commerce (Palacio de Santoña) will host the Consulting c3 Quality and eAlicia Workshop. What will we see? How to manage the quality of our company to achieve a satisfactory customer experience. I don’t know if you have heard about eAlicia, but it is a tool that allows us to see internally the quality parameters of our workers.

Sign up to not miss what eAlicia is and how we can take advantage of it to get better results in our company.

“Quality Management in the Customer Experience”

Although the quality has given parameters of value to the products and services since its creation, the companies try to maintain these same standards as an emotional attribute through indicators that show results of our client’s experience with our product, brand or business.

To analyze customer interaction data with our product / service we need to use digital technology tools that collect this information to transform them into results that allow the company to make tactical decisions.

eAlicia as a cloud platform offers several opportunities, from designing measurement systems, analyzing the information collected and specifying them in results as a source of current and live information on the behavior of your client, the market or a campaign.

The opinion of the client is something important to improve the customer experience, not only because of the knowledge that the company needs to know, but also because of the opportunities that add value to the company.

We do not have to stay in the Customer Experience, we must analyze this satisfaction process to become better than we were.

Sign up for the workshop and don’t miss the opportunity to know what eAlicia is and how it can help your company.

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