3 keys to customer loyalty in writing

Keys to customer loyalty in writing

The mail and chat channels are the most used to build customer loyalty in an effective and fast way

We will summarize the most important aspects to build customer loyalty in writing as it is one of the most used tools today in customer service centers, apart from telephone communication (we leave an infographic about loyalty in the tourism sector ).

The 3 keys to loyalty in writing are:

  1. Define who your client is and put yourself in his place. Think of a typical customer that you want to build on, as it is, who usually buys, how it behaves when things go well and when things go wrong, what phrases or words you usually use, what you do, what additional information you have about it .
  2. Write what the objective of loyalty is: buy back the same product / service within three months, increase the amount of the next purchase by 5% this month, get three recommendations from you to new customers in the year. In customer service it is essential to have clear objectives to be able to make a value proposition.
  3. Detail what can motivate your client: discounts, thanks, redeemable points, no more calls, additional information about your contract / product / service. This aspect should be aligned with the customer experience policy of your company and especially with the actions provided in the Call Center.

Now you can start writing considering:

  1. Customize the writing as much as you can: In contact information: it is better to be your personal address rather than a generic company address. In the content: refer to information or aspects that are of interest, for example: “knowing that you may be interested in children’s activities we have thought you would like to attend the circus for free”.
  2. Treat only one topic at a time. It must be clear the objective of the writing, be adapted to the support (email, postal letter, communication, social networks), be simple to read and understand. Specify the topic you are referring to: Christmas greeting, birthday greeting, congratulation for the birth of a child, thanks for your purchase, thanks for being a customer in the last three years, thanks for being a good customer, asking that you enjoy your leisure with the tickets that the brand gives you…
  3. Make sure the writing is well written:
    Check spelling and typographical mistakes,
    Check that there are no errors in the data you provide (it is terrible to congratulate a client for his maternity / paternity and that he has not been a mother / father).
    Verify that the technical elements are resolved, such as that your email does not go to the spam tray or that the postal mail has not been delayed because it is a Christmas period
    Make sure the images are downloaded correctly and the links work.

Reflection question: What is your secret to loyalty to customers in writing?

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