The five basic points of telephone attention


How should we communicate to be effective?

Good permanent personal telephone service is an added value for the company and a comparative advantage over the competition. Hence the relevance of the fact that any employee, and not only those of telemarketing, is able to manage with a minimum of guarantees a tool as seemingly simple and as daily as attention and telephone coordination.

Despite the fact that the MST Group has its own quality standard for telephone management, it is also worth taking a look at the five basic tips offered by experts on this issue and which are the following:

1. Speak slowly and clearly. If a potential customer calls for the first time, they may not understand a single word if they are answered quickly when reciting the name of the company and other basic information. This is even more important in the case where information is provided that needs to be noted.

2.-Initially provide identification data. It is necessary to provide at the beginning of the conversation the name of the employee, of the organization and of the department, requested or not by the interlocutor. This avoids confusion, unnecessary spending of time and possible loss of business opportunity.

3.-Require the data of the interlocutor. After listening to the initial approach of the interlocutor, those data that allow the identification and location of the same should always be required and noted, because the communication can be interrupted unexpectedly. Without this basic information no further management can be performed.

4.-Manage and coordinate the call. If an immediate response to the request cannot be given, consult the caller’s requirement, there are two basic procedures for action: call later with a defined response at a reasonable interval, or transfer the call to another relevant employee or department. In both cases, an issue should never be left unresolved, whether or not it is the specific responsibility of the person who first answered the call. The call must be returned inexcusably or ensure that the management has run its course and the matter is channeled.

5.-Give a correct and kind treatment. Although it may seem trivial to remember, the fact is that very few calls from clients or potential clients are of thanks or congratulations. A large part of the communications consist of complaints, claims and clarifications, and despite this, or better, precisely because of this, the attention and management capacity developed in these cases constitutes the best added value of the company to preserve Your disgruntled customers.

If you want to improve your company’s customer service department, you can purchase one of the Consulting C3 training courses.