Successful day of debate on the New Artificial Intelligence Law and the Customer Service Law

Barcelona, May 06, 2024

In a joint initiative between MST Holding, Consulting C3 and SottoTempo, a day dedicated to exploring the scope of the recent Artificial Intelligence Law and the Customer Service Law was held with great success on April 29th in Madrid.

**The new Customer Service Act is a proposal that the current government rescued from the last legislature, when it began to be processed in Parliament, although it eventually lapsed due to the call for a general election in July 2023.. **

The event, which brought together more than 50 leading professionals from various sectors, had as its main purpose to deepen the understanding of these laws, with the participation of Jaime Fernandez, partner of Augusta Abogados. The subsequent debate was structured in a round table composed of experts in the field, who shared their perspectives on the impact of these regulations on both companies and consumers.

The round table was chaired by José Francisco Rodríguez, President of the AEERC (Spanish Association of Customer Relationship Experts); Jaime Fernández Cortés, founding Partner of Augusta Abogados; Sabrina Muñoz, Founding Partner of La Brújula del Conocimiento; and Sergio Poza Martínez, Digital Area Manager of Letslaw. This panel of experts was in charge of exchanging opinions, resolving doubts and enriching knowledge on the subject. Alberto Expósito Medina from eAlicia Worldwide Quality was in charge of the moderation.

Here is a short guide to how the roundtable discussion went.

To start with, our colleague Alberto Expósito encouraged the participants to give a first opinion on the two laws and what they considered most relevant.

Sergio Poza was the first to comment that the two laws are intended to focus on the users. The authorities perceive they need to feel more protected and are launching these laws. For him, these laws are psotive but with a lot of regulatory compliance burden that under his point of view should be simplified so that users get the specific, fair and necessary information.

Sabrina Muñoz explained that all companies have a legitimate fear of AI, but this law places all of Europe on the same page and allows us to compete in a better way. Larger companies are very concerned about data governance and this factor is becoming more complex in issues such as AI, as the technology is often more important than what we do in terms of security, so having a regulatory framework that allows us to work under the same conditions, at least in Europe, can be a positive thing for everyone.

Sabrina Muñoz went on to explain that if companies with business outside Europe want to come to Europe they will have to adapt to these regulatory conditions. “For me it will be positive, although it will be complicated, it will increase the tension, it will make the processes much more complex (but for us and for the competitors coming from outside). It is a regulation that can be improved, but it already establishes a common basis for everyone to work on and that is positive. The AI law helps us a lot to be a line of cybersecurity” argued Sabrina Muñoz.

It was José Francisco Rodríguez’s turn and he began talking about the AI law. According to him, in a world as global as the one we live in, we believe that perhaps there has been too much haste in passing a law when the economic environment that rules in this world, such as the USA or China, is in another league. It may be that for the consumer there are improvements, but from the economic point of view the big investments happen outside Europe. We feel that there has been too much haste in some aspects.

Regarding the Customer Service Law, José Francisco Rodríguez said: “We are a bit bored of being continually hammered with laws. Regarding the 2021 report, which is the same as the current one, the Ministry of Digital Transformation itself said that a Law was not necessary, that it was enough to modify the Consumer Law, which makes sense”.

Jaime Fernández Cortés said that what we see in these regulations is that they start from a fairly clear bias against companies or customer services, it seems  they say  things are done badly and that translates into a regulatory text with obligations that are sometimes disproportionate or are not what would really correspond or could protect consumers and that would be the most negative part. Jaime Fernández Cortés added “I am trying to look for the positive side, these are minimum standard laws, they require a minimum parameter of compliance but above that it is always possible to customize and give value to the customer. Now it is time to make changes and I am sure there are ways to do it that can distinguish us from the competition. Obviously, small companies will have more difficulties in the basic compliance with these regulations, but medium-sized and large companies have the opportunity to create more of a gap”.

Our moderator Alberto asked José Francisco Rodríguez about the work of the AEERC and about the process of meeting with the political groups.

José Francisco Rodríguez explained that it is a much less sophisticated world than we think, “When we meet with legislators we are surprised by the lack of information and knowledge on the subject and many issues remain in anecdotes”. He also explained all the administrative dynamics involved and the complexity of the amendments up to their approval. He concluded by remarking that it is an exhausting and sometimes frustrating issue, but that they hope to achieve the best possible outcome for everyone.

Alberto Expósito guided the conversation towards the more operational side of how these laws impact customer services.

Sabrina Muñoz commented that in the end, the laws imply many small changes that when added together mean really differential changes in the companies. In her opinion this law presents its good and bad aspects, each company depending on the sector in which it is located will have to adapt according to what the law says because it will directly affect our customers and this will affect our day to day service.

 She was joined by Sergio Poza: “We will have the responsibility to choose our suppliers that meet all the requirements. Companies have to take responsibility for what they use at the AI level. We have to carry out an internal study to verify that we comply with everything”.

An important part of the presentation focused on data management.

José Francisco Rodríguez said “I believe the great challenge for the industry in general is data. What this law is achieving is that future access to data that allows the business management of a business, making value propositions and CX better, may be limited. In fact, it may happen that with this type of law there will come a time when there is no data”.

Alberto Expósito posed the question: “Data is important, but where should it be? Where do you think data is most secure?

Sabrina Muñoz was of the opinion the data is safe depending on who works with it. “My doubt is not in where we place the data, in which server, in which system, but in the capacity we have to teach our people what to do with the data and how to protect it. It is very important how our teams are taught to work with the data. We have to teach our people how to work with data and how to work with AI,” remarked Sabrina Muñoz.

Alberto Expósito guided the meeting towards the impact of these two laws at the employment level.

Here all the speakers agreed on the idea that jobs will be eliminated, but many others will be modified and hence the importance of training our agents to work with AI and be better than their competitors. They stressed the idea that AI has not come to take away jobs, it has come to help us become more efficient. “I’m not afraid of AI, I’m afraid of the competitor using AI. Train our people or we are out of the market,” said Sabrina Muñoz.

For Sabrina Muñoz, where we add value, there is the human factor; the rest can be done by AI. Let’s focus our people on that differential value.

José Francisco Rodríguez remarked that the future of AI also depends on the generation with which it interacts. This is a reality that will increase, there will be issues that require a human, but automation will undoubtedly be and is already a reality. We are at the beginning of all this and that is why investments are not yet coming in a clear way in AI.

And to end the debate at the table, our colleague Alberto Expósito made the following reflection: “There is a value that must be differential, which is the customer experience or the experience of the worker within the structure. It is great to move forward, but I believe there is also a fundamental exercise to do, and not to forget the customer, the one who buys from us. It is a complex equation within the quality areas: is it really going to be useful, are you really going to amortize this investment, do you really know how it is going to impact your customer?  It is important to work on this balance, to know our customers and, above all, not to deviate from the minimum quality standards when we incorporate this technology.

With this conclusion, the roundtable discussion came to an end and a light lunch was served, giving all participants the opportunity for dialogue and networking.

The meeting provided an invaluable opportunity to delve into the role of the new laws governing Customer Service and the growing importance of Artificial Intelligence in this area. It was an occasion in which all participants were able to learn and continue to improve the way they serve their customers.

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MST Holding: Humanizing Customer Experience in Digital Times

In the current era marked by rapid digital transformation, MST understands that Contact Centers play a crucial role in the customer experience. The interaction between companies and consumers has evolved significantly, and the challenge lies in finding the perfect balance between the efficiency provided by technology and the human warmth that only personal interaction can offer.

The paradox of customer service in the digital age

Technology has redefined how companies communicate with their customers. Digital platforms, artificial intelligence, and data analysis have enabled brands to reach consumers in ways previously unimaginable. However, amidst this technological advancement, a paradox arises: how to maintain authenticity and human connection in an increasingly digitized world?

The irreplaceable value of human relationships

Human relationships, personalization, and empathy are essential elements in customer service. These aspects, which define the human experience, cannot be replaced by technology. The ability to understand emotions, adapt to unique situations, and provide personalized solutions are intrinsic to human nature. In the Contact Center realm, these qualities translate into a more satisfying customer experience and the building of long-term loyalty.

Technology as a means, not an end

Technology should not be considered an end in itself but rather as a means to achieve broader objectives. In the context of the Contact Center, technological tools can facilitate instant communication, access to relevant information, and process optimization. However, it is crucial to understand that these tools are only part of the equation. The real magic happens when they are seamlessly integrated with the human touch.

The flexibility of technology in customer service

One of the greatest benefits that technology brings to customer service is flexibility in communication. Customers want to interact with brands conveniently and on their own terms. Omnichannel, driven by technology, allows customers to communicate through various channels, whether by phone, online chat, social media, or email. This not only enhances the customer experience but also gives companies the ability to adapt to the individual preferences of their customers.

Intelligent automation to optimize processes

Intelligent automation has become a valuable tool in the Contact Center world. Chatbots, automated responses, and voice recognition systems can efficiently handle queries and repetitive tasks, freeing up time and resources for human agents to focus on more complex and emotional interactions. This combination of technology and human skills not only improves efficiency but also elevates the quality of customer service.

Data analysis to understand the customer

Technology not only facilitates interaction but also provides an abundance of valuable data. Real-time data analysis enables companies to better understand the needs and preferences of their customers. This deep knowledge allows more effective customization of services and products, creating experiences that align with individual expectations. However, it is crucial to remember that data are tools, not final solutions. Human interpretation remains essential to understand the complexity of human emotions and desires.

The challenge of maintaining empathy in the digital age

As technology advances, the challenge arises to preserve empathy in customer interactions. Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is an inherently human quality. Although artificial intelligence can simulate empathetic responses, it lacks the authenticity that only a human being can provide. It is imperative for companies to cultivate a customer-centric culture where empathy is a core value and is fostered in every interaction, whether digital or face-to-face.

Agent training for the digital era

Human capital remains the most valuable asset in the Contact Center domain. Agent training is essential to ensure they are equipped with the technical and emotional skills necessary to provide quality service in the digital era. Training in emerging technologies, along with the development of interpersonal skills, becomes a key component in maintaining the balance between technological efficiency and human connection.

MST Holding, digital era with human authenticity

In this context, where customer service is at the crossroads between technology and human experience, MST Holding has understood the importance of balancing the digital era with human authenticity, apart from its constant commitment to service excellence. MST Holding positions itself as an undisputed leader, providing customer service that combines the best of both worlds. Its ongoing commitment to excellence and innovation makes it clear that the future of customer service belongs to those who know how to balance technological efficiency with human warmth.

Human relationships, personalization, and empathy are aspects that cannot be substituted, but technology offers powerful tools to enhance communication and optimize processes. This comprehensive approach not only improves operational efficiency but also strengthens the emotional connection between brands and their customers, creating lasting relationships in an increasingly digital world.

MST Holding: Undisputed Leader in Customer Management in 2023

In the dynamic business landscape of 2023, effective customer management has become a crucial factor for organizational success. In this context, MST Holding emerges as an undisputed leader with over three decades of specialized experience in customer service. Rooted in a legacy of excellence and forward-thinking vision, MST Holding positions itself as your strategic ally for comprehensive customer management. In this article, we will explore how MST Holding’s 30-plus years of experience translates into innovative and adaptive solutions, positioning you for success in an increasingly demanding and competitive market. Discover how MST Holding not only meets present expectations but also anticipates and satisfies future customer service demands.

In an increasingly digitized world, efficient management of call centers has become essential to ensure a quality customer experience. As we approach the year 2024, various trends are shaping the future of call centers, paving the way for more personalized, efficient, and technologically advanced interactions. Below, we explore some of the standout trends that will define the call center landscape in the coming months.

  1. Artificial Intelligence and Automation: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation is a trend that has been gaining momentum and will continue to transform call centers in 2024. AI-powered chatbots are becoming more sophisticated, capable of contextually understanding customer queries and providing accurate responses. This not only streamlines the customer service process but also frees up agents for more complex tasks that require a human touch.

Additionally, automating internal processes such as ticket allocation and data management will contribute to greater operational efficiency. The combination of AI and automation not only reduces wait times but also enhances the overall quality of customer service. The implementation of generative AI-based solutions is not just a technological trend for MST Holding but a conscious strategy to elevate service quality. Technology does not replace the importance of human interactions but acts as a valuable complement, freeing agents from repetitive tasks and allowing them to focus on more strategic aspects of customer care.

2. Omnichannel and Unified Customer Experience: In 2024, omnichannel will solidify as a necessity for modern call centers. Customers expect to interact with companies seamlessly across various channels, such as live chat, social media, email, and phone. MST Holding implements omnichannel solutions, enabling agents to access a complete history of customer interactions, regardless of the channel used, facilitating a more personalized and efficient experience.

The unification of data across all channels also facilitates the identification of patterns and trends, which can be used to improve customer service strategies and anticipate customer needs. In summary, omnichannel translates to a more integrated and satisfying customer experience.

3.Sentiment and Emotion Analysis: Understanding customer emotions and sentiments during interactions has become crucial. In 2024, sentiment analysis will be more extensively used in call centers to assess customer satisfaction and tailor responses accordingly. Voice and text analysis tools powered by AI will enable call centers to identify emotional patterns and respond empathetically, improving interaction quality and strengthening customer relationships.

This emotion-based approach can also help prevent issues from escalating by identifying signs of dissatisfaction or frustration. The ability to understand and address customer emotions in real-time becomes a key differentiator for MST Holding in call centers.

4.Real-time Personalization: Real-time personalization will be one of the standout trends in 2024. Advances in data collection and analysis allow MST Holding to adapt interactions instantly, providing personalized responses and solutions for each customer. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also strengthens brand loyalty.

5.Training and Continuous Development: In the ever-changing environment of call centers, the training and continuous development of agents become essential. Training in technical skills, such as handling AI tools, and soft skills, such as empathy and problem-solving, is a priority for MST Holding from the initial agent contact.

Moreover, MST Holding employs machine learning solutions to continuously assess and improve agent skills, enabling quicker adaptation to changing service demands.


As we move into 2024, emerging trends in call centers point towards a significant transformation in how companies manage customer care. From integrating advanced technologies to customer-centric attention, organizations that proactively adopt these trends, like MST Holding, will be better positioned to deliver a revolutionary customer experience. For MST Holding, the key lies in adaptability and a willingness to embrace innovation in a world where excellence in customer service is more crucial than ever.

The Delicate Balance between Speed and Quality in Technological Problem Resolution

In the dizzying world of technology, response speed and quality in problem resolution have become two critical aspects for the success of any service, especially in environments like call centers focused on technical assistance, known as Help Desks. The need to balance efficiency and accuracy in these environments is a task that not only challenges technology professionals but also directly impacts customer satisfaction and, ultimately, the company’s reputation.

In the digital era, speed has emerged as a highly valuable currency in the customer service domain. Contemporary users, immersed in a world of agile technologies and instant responses, have internalized the expectation of an immediate solution to their problems. However, this demand for speed cannot in any way be divorced from the quality of service. This is where the paradox arises: how to expedite the resolution process without compromising excellence in customer service?

As contemporary technologies have accustomed us to immediacy, the challenge for service providers is to find the balance between a swift response and high-quality attention. Users not only seek to have their problems resolved but also demand that this resolution be effective and, above all, quick. Competition in the technological world has become fierce, and a service’s ability to offer instant solutions has become a key differentiator.

In this context, Help Desks emerge as a strategic tool, a kind of bridge between the user’s urgency and the need to maintain high standards of attention. These meticulously designed systems merge the best of two worlds: the efficiency of advanced technologies and the human sensitivity of trained personnel. The fundamental premise of a Help Desk is not just to solve problems but to do so quickly and personalized, a task that acquires additional complexity in an environment characterized by the diversification of problems and the breadth of users.

The diversity of problems that a Help Desk faces today is remarkable. From common technical issues to more complex and specific problems, the range of incidents that can arise is broad and varied. This array of challenges necessitates having trained personnel and intelligent technological systems that can address, classify, and solve problems with the required agility.

The breadth of users adds another layer of complexity to the equation. With users of different levels of experience and technological knowledge, personalized attention becomes an essential element. Help Desks must not only solve problems quickly but also adapt to the diversity of user profiles, offering solutions that are understandable and relevant for each case.

How to Find the Right Balance

Achieving a balance between speed and quality in the Help Desk is not a simple task but is essential for providing comprehensive service. Here are some strategies to find that balance:

Prioritize Issues: Classifying problems according to their severity and urgency can help determine which ones require a quicker response and which need a more meticulous approach.

Ongoing Staff Training: Keeping staff updated with the latest technologies and problem-solving techniques can speed up the diagnosis and resolution process.

Implement Automation Tools: Automating repetitive processes can free up time for professionals to focus on more complex problems, improving efficiency without compromising quality.

Obtain Continuous Feedback: Customer feedback and constant monitoring of Help Desk performance are crucial to continually adjust strategies and find the optimal balance.

Culture of Continuous Improvement: Fostering a culture where continuous improvement is the norm allows professionals to identify and effectively address challenges, improving both speed and quality over time. In summary, the duality between speed and quality in resolving technological problems has become a battleground for companies seeking to stand out in an increasingly competitive market. Help Desks, as strategic tools, represent the vanguard of this struggle, offering quick and personalized responses through the balanced fusion of advanced technologies and the expert intervention of trained personnel. In a world where immediacy is the norm, the ability to maintain service quality while responding quickly has become an art, and Help Desks are the artists perfecting it day by day.

The Customer Service Challenge in the Holiday Season: How to Avoid Collapse

The Christmas season is a time of year that generates great anticipation in the world of e-commerce and retail. From the last quarter, online businesses prepare to make the most of this season, which often represents the majority of their annual income. The backdrop for this holiday period begins with crucial events such as Black Friday, which generally marks the official start of the holiday festivities. Anticipation and careful planning are essential for your eCommerce to thrive amidst intense competition and high demand expected during this time of the year.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are two of the most prominent days of the year for online stores, as they attract crowds of shoppers in search of discounts and special offers. However, according to the 2022 E-commerce Trends Report, 78% of Spanish e-commerce brands do not feel fully prepared to handle the holiday season. This statistic underscores the importance of proper preparation and a solid strategy to stand out in a competitive market.

What’s surprising is that only 4.5% of Spanish brands begin preparing for the holiday season in late second quarter, which could be considered a strategic advantage. The majority of businesses, 54%, start planning and executing their strategies in August and September, while 40% choose to postpone their preparations until October or November. These data reflect the urgent need for earlier planning and a proactive approach for the holiday season.

The importance of a well-structured strategy and early preparation lies in the growing competition and changing market trends. With more advanced planning, retailers can maximize their sales potential and reach their target audience more effectively. Furthermore, having enough time to adjust and optimize their operations can make a difference in terms of success and profitability.

The Christmas period is particularly crucial for Customer Service and Contact Centers. During this season, a large number of customer calls are received, seeking information about products, placing orders, making inquiries, and resolving issues related to their purchases. Therefore, it is vital to ensure that your customer service team is prepared to handle this surge of inquiries.

A common challenge at this time of year is congested phone lines, endless call queues, and delayed problem resolution. To avoid this situation, having the right number of customer service agents is essential. Responsiveness and the quality of customer service are critical factors that influence customer satisfaction and, ultimately, the success of your business during the holiday season.

The question is: Do you think your business is prepared to face the avalanche of inquiries and customer service requests that are approaching? Don’t fall behind and start organizing your customer service in advance to avoid chaos and line collapses. Preparation and optimization of your customer service operations are essential to provide efficient and quality service, which, in turn, will strengthen customer loyalty and increase your sales during the holiday season.

In this context, it is essential to have a reliable partner to help you organize and manage your customer service effectively. MST Holding is a company that specializes in providing comprehensive solutions for customer service and can be your ally in this crucial season. Their expertise and knowledge in the field allow them to provide high-quality services that ensure efficient and satisfactory customer service.

MST Holding offers a wide range of services and customized solutions to meet the specific needs of your business during the holiday season. From hiring and training customer service agents to implementing advanced support technologies and managing responsiveness, MST Holding can take care of all aspects of your customer service. This allows you to focus on other important aspects of your business, such as marketing, logistics, and inventory management.

One of the advantages of collaborating with MST Holding is their ability to adapt to the changing demands of the holiday season. Since customer service needs can vary significantly as Christmas approaches, having a partner that can quickly adjust responsiveness and resources is a strategic advantage. MST Holding has the flexibility and experience needed to handle fluctuations in customer service demand and ensure that your business provides high-quality service at all times.

Additionally, MST Holding not only handles the day-to-day operation of your customer service but also works closely with you to develop effective and personalized customer service strategies. This involves understanding your customers’ needs and expectations, identifying areas for improvement, and applying solutions that increase customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

In the current digital environment, customer service plays a crucial role in building strong customer relationships and fostering customer loyalty. The quality of customer service can make the difference between a satisfied returning customer and a dissatisfied one seeking alternatives. The holiday season is a unique opportunity to impress your customers and earn their long-term loyalty.

MST Holding understands the importance of providing exceptional customer service and is committed to helping you achieve it. Their focus on customer satisfaction and optimizing the customer experience translates into tangible results, such as increased customer retention and brand loyalty.

In summary, the holiday season is a critical time for online and retail businesses, as it represents a significant portion of their annual income. To make the most of this season, it is essential to plan and prepare in advance. This includes optimizing your customer service to meet the high demand for inquiries and requests during the holiday season.

MST Holding is a reliable partner that can help you organize and manage your customer service effectively, ensuring operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Their experience and flexibility make them a strong choice for your business in this crucial season.

Instead of facing endless call queues and customer service collapses, contact MST Holding and let us prepare your customer service for the holiday season on your behalf. With our support, you can focus on boosting your sales, providing high-quality service, and building strong customer relationships, which will translate into greater success and growth for your business during the holiday season. Don’t let the holiday season catch you by surprise; prepare with MST Holding and ensure exceptional performance during this critical time for your business.

Visit their website at or contact them at for more information on how they can help you have a successful holiday season!

Are you ready for the cold? MST Holding: Leader in Customer Service in the HVAC Sector

With the arrival of cold weather, the importance of having a good customer service in a call center for HVAC systems becomes more crucial than ever. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems play an essential role in the comfort and safety of our homes and workplaces during the cold season. Therefore, it is fundamental that users can access high-quality customer service to effectively and efficiently resolve their issues and concerns.

In this article, we will explore the importance of having exceptional customer service in the context of HVAC systems during the cold season. We will analyze how good customer service can make a difference in customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and the company’s reputation. We will also highlight some key strategies for achieving maximum resolution with the highest quality in an HVAC Customer Service call center.

Customer Comfort and Safety Are a Priority

HVAC systems are essential for maintaining a comfortable and safe environment during the cold months of the year. When these systems fail or experience issues, customers may face uncomfortable or even dangerous temperatures in their homes or workplaces. This can have a significant impact on their quality of life and well-being.

Good customer service can provide customers with peace of mind, knowing that they can get immediate help when facing problems with their systems. The ability to communicate with experts and receive prompt and effective assistance is essential to ensure customer comfort and safety.

Customer Satisfaction: The Key to Business Success

Customer satisfaction is a critical factor for the success of any company, and this is especially true in the HVAC systems industry. Customers experiencing issues with their heating or air conditioning systems want quick and effective solutions. Poor customer service can result in decreased customer satisfaction, which, in turn, can lead to customer loss and damage the company’s reputation.

On the other hand, exceptional customer service can foster customer loyalty. When customers know they can rely on efficient problem resolution, they are more likely to remain long-term customers and recommend the company to others. Customer satisfaction is not only a key indicator of business success but can also drive growth and profitability.

Operational Efficiency: Optimizing Resources Efficient

HVAC customer service benefits not only customers but also improves the company’s operational efficiency. The ability to effectively manage customer inquiries, schedule service visits, and coordinate maintenance activities is essential to ensure smooth company operations.

Good customer service can help optimize the allocation of technical resources and coordinate technician visit schedules effectively, leading to more efficient utilization of human and financial resources and, consequently, increased company profitability.

Strategies for Achieving Maximum Resolution with Highest Quality

Now that we’ve established the importance of having good customer service in an HVAC Customer Service call center during the cold season, it is crucial to understand how to achieve maximum resolution with the highest quality.

MST Holding has over 30 years of experience in HVAC sector services. Here are some key strategies that companies can implement:

Employee Training

Proper training of call center staff is essential. Customer service representatives should be well-informed about HVAC systems, their components, and their operation. They should be able to identify and diagnose common problems and provide timely guidance to customers. Training should also include effective communication and empathy skills for dealing with concerned or frustrated customers.

Tools and Technology

Using the right tools and technology can streamline problem resolution and improve service quality. An efficient case management system like the one used by MST Holding allows for effective tracking and assignment of customer requests. Additionally, online self-service solutions such as customer portals and live chat can provide quick answers to common questions.

Effective Resolution Processes

Problem resolution processes should be clear and effective. Establishing standardized problem resolution protocols can help customer service representatives address issues consistently and efficiently. It’s also essential to have escalation procedures for more complex problems that require the intervention of experienced technicians. MST Holding offers different service levels to provide the highest quality service to all customers.

Measurement and Monitoring

Monitoring and measurement are essential for evaluating customer service performance. Metrics such as resolution time, customer satisfaction, and first-contact resolution rate can provide valuable insights. MST Holding’s KPIs in HVAC Technical Support services demonstrate the highest resolution and service quality to all customers.

Flexibility and Adaptability

The cold season can be unpredictable, with spikes in demand for HVAC services during extreme cold spells. Therefore, it’s important for the call center to be flexible and able to adapt to changing customer needs. The ability to schedule emergency service visits and offer extended hours can make a difference. MST has 24/7 technical support teams to quickly respond to all the demands of the cold season.

Proactive Communication

Proactive communication with customers is key. Companies can inform customers about preventive maintenance, appointment reminders, and tips for maintaining their HVAC systems. This not only reduces the workload of the call center in the future but also demonstrates a commitment to long-term customer service.


The cold season presents unique challenges for companies providing HVAC system services. The ability to offer high-quality customer service is essential to ensure customer comfort and safety, maintain a positive reputation, and secure customer loyalty.

With over 30 years of experience, MST Holding specializes in omnichannel and multilingual Technical Support and Customer Service for the HVAC sector. With high First Call Resolution rates, we enhance the customer experience through expert technical support, SAT (Service Assistance Technical) management, parts replacements, and incident tracking. We reduce costs for greater efficiency and productivity, helping our customers improve their services and achieve maximum resolution with the highest service quality.

For more information, you can visit our website at or contact us via email at

Exceeding Expectations: How Customer Service is a Competitive Advantage in Consumer Electronics After-Sales Service

Customer service is a fundamental aspect in any industry, and the consumer electronics industry is no exception. With the rapid advancement of technology and the increasing demand for electronic products, companies face unique challenges in providing a satisfactory experience to their customers. In this article, we will delve deep into the importance of customer service in the consumer electronics industry, focusing on the relevance of post-sale support through the call center.

The Importance of Customer Service in Consumer Electronics

First and foremost, it’s essential to understand that the success of a consumer electronics company largely depends on the quality of its customer service. Customers want the assurance that their investment in a product will be backed by excellent post-sale service. This involves providing effective and accessible communication channels, such as customer service phone lines, online chat, and email support.

Promptness in Response and Problem Resolution

Promptness in response is key. Customers not only expect quick answers to their inquiries but also fast solutions to any issues they may encounter with their products. It is crucial to have a well-trained and efficient customer service team capable of resolving issues quickly and effectively.

When a customer encounters a problem or has a question about an electronic product they’ve purchased, they desire immediate answers. The availability of communication channels like online chat or telephone service is essential to ensure that customers can get assistance promptly. Delayed responses or problem resolution can lead to customer dissatisfaction and ultimately impact the company’s reputation.

Post-Sale Service Through the Call Center

Post-sale support plays a crucial role in the consumer electronics industry, and the call center has become a key tool for providing a satisfactory customer experience after the purchase. The importance of this service lies in several aspects.

Firstly, post-sale support through the call center provides customers with peace of mind, knowing they have ongoing backup and assistance after acquiring an electronic product. Customers want to feel supported and confident that they can get help if they encounter any issues with their product. The call center offers the opportunity to communicate directly with a trained customer service representative who can provide real-time assistance and guidance.

Fast and Convenient Communication

Additionally, the call center allows for fast and convenient communication. Customers can make inquiries, report problems, or request assistance simply by making a phone call. This eliminates the need to physically visit a store or send emails that may take longer to receive a response. The availability of the call center 24/7 allows customers to receive help when they need it most, enhancing their service experience.

Consider a customer who purchases a state-of-the-art television and encounters a technical issue after setting it up at home. They might feel frustrated and concerned about their investment. In this scenario, the ability to call the customer service center and receive immediate assistance can make a significant difference. The call center representative can guide the customer through troubleshooting steps or, if necessary, coordinate a technical service visit to address the issue in person. This not only alleviates customer concerns but also improves their perception of the brand.

Efficient Problem Resolution

Another relevant aspect is that the call center provides the opportunity for efficient problem resolution. Customer service representatives are trained to handle a wide range of inquiries and technical issues. They can provide immediate solutions, such as phone-based technical assistance, troubleshooting instructions, or coordination of repair services. This not only saves time and frustration for customers but also contributes to their satisfaction and loyalty to the brand.

Call center staff is typically highly trained and familiar with the company’s products, enabling them to address inquiries and problems effectively. This is especially important in the consumer electronics industry, where technology advances rapidly, and customers may have complex technical questions. Good customer service can make the difference between a satisfied customer who remains loyal to the brand and an unsatisfied customer seeking alternatives.

Improving Customer Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty

In conclusion, post-sale support through the call center is essential in the consumer electronics industry. It provides ongoing backup and assistance to customers, allowing fast and convenient communication and efficient problem resolution. By investing in robust post-sale customer service with a well-trained call center, companies can enhance customer satisfaction, strengthen brand loyalty, and ensure long-term success in a highly competitive and ever-evolving market.

Increase your sales and reduce your costs: The formula of the Call Center in Telemarketing

In today’s competitive business world, finding effective ways to increase sales and reduce costs is a constant priority for companies of all sizes. One strategy that has proven to be effective in this regard is hiring a specialized telesales call center service. In this article, we will explore how outsourcing sales and customer service through a call center can be a smart investment that benefits both large and small businesses, helping to boost sales and reduce operational costs.

The Importance of Telesales in Business Success

Telesales, also known as telemarketing, is a sales technique that involves promoting and selling products or services through phone calls. While some may view it as an outdated sales strategy, it remains relevant and effective in today’s business world. Telesales offers several advantages, such as direct access to potential customers, the ability to provide detailed information, and the opportunity for personalized follow-up. The process of telesales requires specific skills, including persuasion, empathy, and patience. Additionally, having the right infrastructure and an experienced team is essential to ensure that calls are made efficiently and professionally. This is where a specialized telesales call center service can play a crucial role.

Advantages of Hiring a Telesales Call Center Service

Outsourcing telesales operations to an experienced call center service can provide several significant advantages for your company. Let’s delve into each of these benefits:

Access to Specialized Expertise

Telesales is an art that requires specific skills and a deep understanding of effective sales strategies. By hiring a specialized telesales call center service, your company instantly benefits from a team of professionals trained in telesales techniques. These agents are not only skilled in persuading customers and closing sales but also understand the nuances of telephone communication, such as tone of voice, empathy, and patience. This specialized expertise is invaluable, as telesales agents know the best practices and strategies for approaching potential customers, overcoming objections, and turning calls into successful sales. Moreover, they stay updated on the latest trends in marketing and sales, allowing them to adapt their approaches to the changing market needs.

Greater Availability and Flexibility

Call centers operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This constant availability means that your company can be in touch with potential and existing customers at any time of day or night. This flexibility is particularly useful for businesses with a global customer base or those looking to capitalize on sales opportunities in different time zones. The ability to be available during extended hours is crucial for customer satisfaction. Today’s consumers expect quick responses and convenient service. A call center can provide this, leading to increased customer retention and loyalty to your brand.

Reduction in Operational Costs

Managing an in-house telesales team can be costly and complex. It involves hiring and training staff, providing equipment, and setting up the necessary infrastructure for telemarketing operations. Additionally, ongoing management and supervision of an internal team can require significant resources. On the other hand, call centers are designed to operate efficiently and at scale. By outsourcing your telesales operations, you can significantly reduce associated costs. Call centers already have advanced telecommunications infrastructure, call management systems, and trained agents in place, resulting in substantial savings compared to in-house management.

Focus on Core Business

Outsourcing telesales operations to a call center allows your company to focus on its core business. Instead of worrying about the complexities of managing an internal telesales team, you can dedicate more time and resources to improving your products or services, expanding your customer base, and exploring growth and expansion opportunities. This enables you to focus on what you do best and what sets you apart in your market.

Tracking and Analytics

Most call centers offer detailed tracking and analytics services. This analytical capability provides valuable insights into the performance of your telesales campaigns. Some key data points you can obtain include:

• Conversion Rates: How many of the calls made resulted in successful sales.

• Response Rates: How many calls were answered and how many turned into conversations with potential customers.

• Common Objections: The most frequent customer arguments or objections, allowing you to adjust your sales strategies.

• Peak Success Hours: The times of day when calls are most likely to result in sales. This data is essential for making informed decisions and adjusting your telesales strategies for better long-term results. Furthermore, it enables continuous improvement and a data-driven approach to optimizing your telesales efforts.

In summary, hiring a specialized telesales call center service can provide a significant competitive advantage by increasing sales and reducing operational costs. Leveraging the expertise of trained agents, constant availability, cost reduction, and access to analytical data are just some of the ways this strategy can drive your company’s success in today’s market. By carefully choosing a call center provider and maximizing its capabilities, you can move toward sustainable growth and improved business performance.

MST HOLDING stands out as a leading company in the world of call center services focused on telesales. With a solid track record of over 30 years and a highly trained team of professionals, MST HOLDING has proven expertise in delivering top-tier telemarketing solutions. Our dedication to excellence in customer service, combined with cutting-edge technology and effective sales strategies, enables us to help businesses of all sizes achieve their sales goals efficiently and cost-effectively. MST HOLDING is the trusted choice for those looking to maximize their sales and improve customer relationships through a highly specialized telesales call center service.

Maximizing Customer Attention in HVAC Technical Support during cold season

Customer attention in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) technical support during the cold season is a critical challenge that requires a delicate balance between maximum resolution and maximum quality. Customers rely on their heating systems to keep their homes and businesses warm and comfortable during the cold months of the year. Therefore, the ability to provide efficient and effective technical support service is essential to maintain customer satisfaction and build strong relationships.

“Numbers don’t lie. 86% of consumers would pay more for an enhanced experience, and over half have switched brands due to superior customer service (PwC, 2021).”

The Importance of HVAC Technical Support in Winter

Customer satisfaction and the quality of service provided are key elements in managing HVAC system issues in winter. In this context, it is crucial to understand the concept of “maximum resolution with maximum quality.” This implies not only efficiently and quickly resolving the problem but also doing so with a high level of quality, ensuring that the customer is completely satisfied.

In regions with extremely cold winters, HVAC systems are essential for daily life. When these systems fail, serious problems can arise, such as frozen pipes, home discomfort, and energy loss. Therefore, customer attention in HVAC technical support during winter is not just a service but a lifesaver for many.

Customers calling for technical assistance during the cold season are not only looking for a quick solution but also seeking empathy and reassurance. Understanding this dynamic is fundamental to providing quality technical support during this season.

Preparation for the Cold Season at MST HOLDING Call Center

Proper preparation is the first step in offering quality HVAC technical support during the cold season. Here are some key considerations:

Staff Training

MST HOLDING technical service agents receive comprehensive training on HVAC systems and specific winter-related troubleshooting. This involves staying informed about the latest product updates and technologies to provide the best possible assistance.

Technological Infrastructure

We ensure that our technological infrastructure is robust and up-to-date. This includes case management software, remote diagnostic tools, and call tracking systems to ensure efficient and uninterrupted service.

Personalization Strategies

Each HVAC technical support call is unique, so personalized strategies are essential. At MST Holding, we actively listen to the customer, understand their specific situation, and tailor solutions accordingly.

Quick and Effective Resolution

Quick and effective resolution of problems is at the heart of customer attention in HVAC technical support during winter. Here are some essential practices implemented by MST Holding:

Accurate Diagnosis: Our technical support agents can make accurate diagnoses through effective questioning and remote testing where possible. An accurate diagnosis allows for a faster and more efficient solution.

Updated Knowledge Base: We have an up-to-date and easily accessible knowledge base for all technical service agents. Agents can quickly access manuals, solutions to common problems, and product updates to provide accurate responses.

Clear Communication: Clear communication is crucial. Our agents explain problems and solutions in a way that customers can understand, avoiding unnecessary technical jargon. This helps customers feel more confident and reassured.

Internal Collaboration: If a problem cannot be resolved immediately, our technical support teams collaborate internally and work together to find solutions. This ensures that problems do not unnecessarily prolong.

Customer Service Quality

In addition to problem resolution, service quality is essential for maximizing customer satisfaction in HVAC technical support during winter. Here are some techniques that MST Holding practices in all its services:

Empathy and Understanding

HVAC technical service agents show empathy and understanding toward the customer’s situation. Winter can be a stressful time, and a friendly and compassionate approach can make a difference in the customer’s experience.


After the problem has been resolved, it is important to follow up with the customer to ensure that everything is working correctly. This demonstrates ongoing commitment to customer satisfaction.

Satisfaction Surveys

We conduct periodic satisfaction surveys to provide valuable feedback on the quality of customer service. Customer opinions are taken into account for continuous improvement.


Being proactive is key to providing quality service. Our technical agents are willing to offer advice and recommendations for preventive maintenance and HVAC system optimization.


Customer satisfaction and the quality of service provided are key elements in managing HVAC system issues in winter. In this context, it is crucial to understand the concept of “maximum resolution with maximum quality.” This implies not only efficiently and quickly resolving the problem but also doing so with a high level of quality, ensuring that the customer is completely satisfied.

Neobanks and Customer Service: The Revolution of Traditional Banking?

In recent years, we have witnessed a growing disruption in the financial industry, largely driven by the emergence of neobanks. These digital financial institutions have entered the market with an innovative proposition and a more agile and personalized user experience. As neobanks gain ground, their ability to provide efficient and satisfactory customer service has become a crucial element for their success and reputation in the market.

What are Neobanks?

Neobanks, also known as digital banks or online banks, are 100% digital financial institutions that operate exclusively in the online environment, without a physical presence through traditional branches. These companies leverage technology and innovation to offer a wide range of financial services, including checking accounts, savings, debit and credit cards, loans, and more.

The Importance of Customer Service in Neobanks

Since neobanks lack a physical presence, customer service plays a crucial role in their business model. While traditional banks interact with customers through physical branches and ATMs, neobanks must provide online support and service quickly and effectively.

This implies that communication with customers is primarily done through digital platforms such as mobile apps, online chat, email, or social media. Therefore, it is essential for neobanks to have a robust customer service infrastructure that is agile, accessible, and capable of efficiently resolving queries and issues.

Advantages of Customer Service in Neobanks

24/7 Availability: Unlike traditional bank branches with limited hours, neobanks can offer customer service 24/7, providing users with greater flexibility to address their concerns at any time.

Quick Response: With the assistance of technologies like artificial intelligence and chatbots, neobanks can provide fast and automated responses to common queries, streamlining the customer experience.

Personalization: Neobanks often collect a wealth of data on their customers’ preferences and behaviors. Using this information, they can offer more personalized services tailored to individual customer needs.

Direct Communication: Social media and messaging apps have become popular channels for customer service. Neobanks can interact with their customers directly through these means, facilitating communication and issue resolution.

Challenges and Considerations

Despite the advantages, neobanks also face challenges when it comes to customer service. Some of the main challenges include:

Security and Trust: Since operations are purely digital, customer security and trust are critical issues. Neobanks must demonstrate a high level of security on their platforms to protect users’ sensitive financial information.

Scalability: As a neobank’s customer base grows, the ability to provide fast and personalized customer service can be compromised. It’s essential to invest in technology and resources to maintain service quality as the company expands.

Complex Problem Resolution: Some issues may require human intervention and cannot be resolved solely through chatbots or automation. Neobanks need a qualified support team to address more complex problems that may arise.


Neobanks have revolutionized the financial industry by offering a more agile and digitized banking experience. Customer service has become a fundamental pillar for the success of these digital banks, as their business model relies on digital interaction with users. Through the use of advanced technology and effective communication, neobanks can provide quality customer service, boosting trust and loyalty among their users in this new era of digital banking.

In summary, neobanks have disrupted the financial industry by revolutionizing how people manage their finances through their focus on technology and automation. However, amid this digital revolution, call centers remain essential for providing a complete and satisfactory customer experience.

Ultimately, the importance of call centers in the era of neobanks lies in their ability to strike a balance between the efficiency of automation and the human need for interaction and support. This combination allows neobanks not only to offer innovative financial services but also to build strong and lasting relationships with their customers, which is crucial in an increasingly digital and competitive financial sector.