“eAlicia helps us assess the Internal Quality of services”: RACC

A few days ago we were able to speak with Meritxell Martínez, Toni Vilés and Tomás Escofet, members of the RACC, who use eAlicia to evaluate the calls answered by the teams and measure the internal quality of the services

Meritxell Martínez, Tomás Escofet and Toni Vilés have attended us to send us their evaluations and recommendations on how eAlicia is helping them to measure the internal quality of their services. And, in what areas could the tool improve.

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How does eAlicia help you?

It helps us in monitoring the equipment of the Platforms we support. Through eAlicia we can evaluate internal quality and have a global and individualized vision of the people who are part of the teams. Or, see if the development of your work is favorable or if there are aspects to improve. It also helps us in the return of the training carried out, being able to detect difficulties in the practical situations that occur on a daily basis. Therefore, eAlicia is a tool that helps us in the growth of operators, we can detect the strengths and points for improvement and the actions to be carried out for their continuous improvement. In addition, eAlicia has a technical support team that always helps us by giving us a quick response.

Why do you use eAlicia?

We use eAlicia as it is a tool that helps us to evaluate internal quality objectively and obtain results quickly and efficiently. It facilitates the collection of data, the preparation of reports and also helps us to share the results obtained in an agile way.

What do you use eAlicia for?

We use it to evaluate the calls answered by the teams through the calls channel. Through the survey channel, we have created the Learning Tests that are used to resolve operational situations such as those encountered by managers in handling queries and providing services. In this way we know the difficulties they may have.

What have you improved using eAlicia?

We have ensured that the different platforms, both in Operations and in the Commercial Area, have the same criteria to be evaluated by their TLs, thus, we have achieved homogeneity in the Telephone Service for all areas.

Would you recommend eAlicia?

Yes, of course we would recommend it. It has helped us to standardize the monitoring of the equipment.

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