Overcoming the Complexity of Vacations in a Contact Center

Vacations. That anticipated annual time frame where we disconnect from the routine, recharge our batteries, and typically enjoy in two periods: summer and the end of the year. Dates as necessary for any worker as they are complicated for nearly any company, even more so if they manage large amounts of personnel and workloads.

In the Contact Center, activity behavior varies significantly among sectors. While it might be one of the busiest periods for some, such as travel or passenger transport companies, for many others, it’s a time of lower activity. This enormous variability in activity is compounded by the labor force’s right to enjoy a few days of rest during these dates. In summary, vacations in a Contact Center are the most challenging period to navigate in a way that doesn’t negatively impact the service and, above all, the customer’s perception of our company or brand.

The key to overcoming this tough challenge is clearly in proper planning.

Predictive planning will save your Contact Center.

Do you know and master the multitude of variables that can influence the volume of activity your customer relations center will receive? Wouldn’t it be incredible to foresee the future and know in advance what will happen in your service? There are dozens of circumstances, both cyclical and specific, to consider in order to correctly plan the volume of interactions a Contact Center should handle in a specific period of time, a vital piece of data for subsequently calculating the required personnel. With historical data, an understanding of key variables and their impact on the service, and the application of mathematical models for predictions, it’s possible to anticipate the disasters that would almost certainly occur otherwise. If you want to predict the future of what will happen in your Contact Center, you will need to trust what team leaders and coordinators can propose. And, undoubtedly, this predictive planning is essential to successfully navigate any holiday period in a Call Center.

Overcoming the return from vacation in Contact Centers.

If vacations are a special period that involves specific difficulties for any Customer Relations area, the same goes for the return from vacations. With the return from vacations, the tables turn, and the problems reverse. But there’s more. Upon returning from vacations, we need to operate like a well-oiled machine, with Human Resources, Training, Coordination, and Technology perfectly synchronized, following the pace set by the Coordination/Planning department.

What are the main challenges of the post-vacation period in the Contact Center?

Primarily, there are two major categories of challenges that arise after summer in Customer Service departments. On one hand, we have those related to what was previously mentioned: a substantial increase in interactions due to the psychological aspect of personal intentions after summer, many of which prompt the need to make decisions or take initiatives with the companies that provide us services. During this time, new sign-ups, cancellations, and modifications multiply, while the number of inquiries related to obtaining information for these decisions rises. All of this, coupled with customers’ reduced patience after returning from a relaxing period like vacations, leads to tensions and even anxiety when making decisions.

Planning as a Strategic Focus

The Planning and Coordination areas are the linchpins of our strategy to ensure the proper functioning of the service in the coming months. They must be able to predict the turnover rate we’ll experience, the expected increase in interactions, the number of new hires required to meet that traffic surge, and how to organize the shifts of new personnel so that their learning curve doesn’t significantly impact the overall service.

Coordinator Team, Our Best Ally

It falls to them to welcome the new hires and ensure their learning curve is as smooth as possible. Additionally, they must motivate their teams to prevent turnover and a decline in performance during a period of increased workload. This is where all available Employee Engagement strategies can be applied, along with proactive measures to use any available time for knowledge refreshment and correcting performance errors. It’s the time to bring out the best in experienced agents, guiding them toward a service that prioritizes quick interaction resolution, always with an eye on maintaining quality standards. During this period, emphasizing service quality is crucial: many customers will call with intentions of cancelling to switch to another company, and a great experience with the Customer Relations Center can sway them to change their minds. Conversely, a customer seeking to sign up with a new company and having a poor experience in their initial contact is unlikely to choose that new service.

In conclusion, as we’ve seen, different areas must be perfectly coordinated to successfully address the challenge of the post-vacation period. Only with the help of the best professionals will we be capable of holding the key to predicting the various scenarios that will arise and how to tackle them. With proper anticipation and the teamwork of the finest professionals, successfully navigating this challenging period in a Contact Center is indeed possible.


Preparing Your eCommerce for Peak Seasons: Outsourcing as a Solution

Customer service in the eCommerce sector is crucial to provide a positive customer experience and foster brand loyalty. However, during certain times of the year, such as holiday seasons or special sales events like Christmas, service peaks can test the capacity of customer service teams. In this article, we will explore the benefits of outsourcing effective customer service during these high-demand situations in the eCommerce sector.

Outsourcing Customer Service During Service Peaks

When an eCommerce business faces periods of high demand in its customer service, it can become overwhelmed trying to manage the workload internally. In such situations, a viable option is to outsource part or all of the customer service to a specialized provider. Outsourcing can offer a range of benefits that help ensure quality service and keep customers satisfied during service peaks. Here are some key advantages of outsourcing:

Ability to Handle High Query Volumes: Customer service specialized providers have experience dealing with high workloads and are prepared to handle large volumes of queries without compromising service quality. By outsourcing, a business can quickly scale customer service capacity according to needs, avoiding potential bottlenecks and extended response times.

Specialized Knowledge: Outsourcing companies often have trained and specialized personnel in different areas and products. These agents are well-informed about the eCommerce business’s products or services and can provide accurate and efficient responses to customer inquiries.

24/7 Availability: During service peaks, customers may need assistance at any time of the day. Outsourcing providers often operate 24/7, ensuring that customers can receive real-time assistance regardless of the time or location.

Focus on Technology and Advanced Tools: Customer service specialized providers often have advanced technology, such as ticketing systems, knowledge bases, and AI-enhanced chatbots. This enables more efficient query management and faster responses.

Resource Allocation Flexibility: By outsourcing customer service, a business can access a wide pool of agents, allowing for flexible resource allocation based on changing needs during service peaks. This ensures the business can provide quality service without incurring additional permanent staff costs.

Focus on Continuous Improvement: Outsourcing providers are often highly committed to continuous improvement and optimization of customer service. This includes constant monitoring of performance metrics, data analysis, and implementing improvements based on results.

Reduced Operational Costs: Outsourcing customer service during service peaks can be more cost-effective compared to a significant increase in internal hiring. Operational costs can be more manageable, and the business only pays for services used, helping to avoid unnecessary fixed costs during quieter seasons.

However, it’s important to note that outsourcing customer service is not without challenges. To ensure successful outsourcing, it’s essential to choose a reliable and experienced provider in the eCommerce sector. Effective communication with the provider and setting clear expectations are crucial to ensure the level of service provided is consistent with the brand’s image and values. In conclusion, outsourcing customer service can be an effective strategy for managing service peaks in the eCommerce sector. By leveraging specialized knowledge, advanced technology, and resource flexibility offered by outsourcing providers, companies can ensure a positive customer experience during high-demand seasons and maintain a strong reputation in the market.


The evolution of neobanks and their impact on Customer Service in Call Centers

In recent years, we have witnessed the growing popularity of neobanks, fully digital financial institutions that have revolutionized the way people manage their finances. These entities, with their simplified banking services and convenient access through mobile applications, have transformed the financial industry. However, their rapid growth poses challenges in providing efficient and effective customer service through traditional call centers. In this article, we will explore the relationship between neobanks and customer service in call centers.

The Rise of Neobanks and Their Customer-Centric Approach

Neobanks have quickly captured consumers’ attention thanks to their customer-centric approach and ability to offer simplified banking services. These digital financial institutions strive to provide an intuitive user experience, with fast and hassle-free account opening processes, as well as innovative features like automated budgets and expense analysis. Their main goal is to meet the needs and expectations of modern customers who seek an agile and convenient banking experience.

The Challenge of Customer Service in Neobanks

Despite their advantages, neobanks face a unique challenge regarding customer service. Since these institutions lack a physical presence, interactions with customers are mainly conducted through digital channels such as online chats or email. However, when more complex issues arise or customers require personalized assistance, they often turn to call centers.

Adapting Call Centers to Neobanks

Neobanks have motivated traditional call centers to adapt to the new demands of digital customers. Customer service providers have been compelled to enhance their technological capabilities and train their staff to provide specialized support for the digital banking services offered by neobanks. This involves greater training in mobile applications and digital tools, as well as an understanding of neobanks’ specific processes.

The Importance of Customer Service in Neobanks

Despite being digital entities, neobanks understand the significance of exceptional customer service to maintain user satisfaction and trust. Some neobanks have opted to establish their own telephone support centers to ensure personalized and timely assistance. Others have invested in integrating artificial intelligence and chatbots to provide quick and automated responses to common customer queries.


The relationship between neobanks and customer service in call centers has evolved as the financial industry has transformed into the digital realm. Neobanks have driven the improvement and adaptation of traditional call centers to meet the needs of their digital customers. As neobanks continue to grow, it is crucial for customer service providers to keep evolving and harnessing technology to deliver an exceptional support experience to neobank users and ensure their long-term satisfaction.


How is an HVAC Technical Support Service managed?

In the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) industry, technical support plays a crucial role in ensuring that customers receive quality service and effective solutions to their needs. A key aspect of HVAC technical support is the call center, which serves as the initial point of contact for customers requiring assistance or technical advice. Below, we present an interesting interview with a Customer Service – Technical Assistance Supervisor from MST, who has extensive experience in the sector and explains how they manage an HVAC technical support service.

1 – How long have you been managing HVAC technical services? I have been managing customer services in the HVAC sector for a total of 9 years. This has allowed me to witness the evolution of the sector and its services.

2 – What types of calls are being received? We receive all types of calls, ranging from inquiries about basic product information to reports of malfunctions, which constitute the majority. We have a specialized team of technical agents with advanced knowledge in air conditioning and boiler products, providing top-level technical support for troubleshooting calls. The aim is to solve issues over the phone during the first call to avoid the need for a technician’s on-site visit. Our goal is to reduce the time our customers are without services and prevent unnecessary costs for them. Without this initial technical support level, we would incur expenses related to travel and a technician’s physical presence.

Additionally, during these calls, we take the opportunity to offer maintenance contracts.

We also manage the sales of maintenance contracts, with sales ratios reaching around 41%. We handle backoffice services, including activation requests received via email, registration of maintenance contracts, managing voicemail, and handling emails from the installers themselves.

3 – What service channels are used in your services? Currently, we receive requests via telephone, email, and voicemail. Furthermore, we also attend to web forms submitted through the client’s website. We provide a multichannel service where delivering the same quality of service regardless of the contact channel is paramount.

4 – How are malfunctions resolved, and how are on-site technician visits avoided? For all malfunction reports we receive, we perform a First Contact Resolution (FCR) using the Wiki documents, which is a knowledge database created by MST and accessible to the entire team. This content management system contains all operation manuals, spare parts, technical schematics, and explanatory videos for all products currently available in the market. Based on this information, our technical agents can resolve many of the issues. As a result, we address the incidents during the first contact, and there is no need to open a service report for an on-site visit by a technician. This minimizes the time required to resolve the issue and enhances customer satisfaction.

5 – So, as you explained, avoiding on-site visits benefits both the company and the customers. Do you undertake any other actions that offer more business opportunities? Yes, for cases where the customer doesn’t have a maintenance contract, we take advantage of the call to remind them about the benefits of having one, such as extending the lifespan of their appliance and achieving savings in energy consumption, among others. We always offer this option to customers who don’t have a contract, providing added value to our customers and a satisfying buying experience.

We present them with the best maintenance solutions while providing general information and trying to capture their attention to generate more business.

Another action we take is filling the available slots in the technicians’ schedules based on their service area by scheduling maintenance visits for contract holders. This way, we optimize their schedules during periods of low demand.

6 – In your 9 years of experience, how has the heating and boiler sector changed? HVAC services have evolved significantly in recent years and, as I mentioned before, they have also transformed into Profit Centers rather than Cost Centers, which they used to be as a Post-Sales Service. Nowadays, it’s necessary to possess commercial skills in addition to technical knowledge to provide greater added value and the best customer experience. These services aim to foster customer loyalty, not just solve their doubts and/or malfunctions, making them aware of the importance of regularly maintaining their boiler to extend its lifespan. Moreover, having an OFFICIAL maintenance contract ensures cost reductions during a technician’s visit, use of ORIGINAL brand spare parts, qualified personnel who specialize in the product (since we do not handle other manufacturers), and payment flexibility, allowing customers to pay the annual fee in monthly installments.

7 – How do you prepare for the winter service? How do you manage the increase in call volume? With so many years in the industry, I’ve been here for 9 years, but MST has been providing services like this for 30 years, so we have a deep understanding of the market and its behavior. This allows us to anticipate the increased demand for services. Flexibility is one of our strengths. We follow a predefined protocol for managing the seasonal changes in the HVAC sector.

We know that the increase in service requests comes suddenly because the cold weather doesn’t announce its arrival. However, by planning in advance and selecting and training a reinforcement team, we are able to quickly deploy a team so that no customer is left without receiving service at a high level of quality.


The Role of the Call Center in Managing Warranties and Returns of Electronic Products: Providing a Positive Customer Experience

Introduction In the current digital era, electronic products have become an essential part of people’s daily lives. However, it is inevitable that these products may occasionally have defects or malfunctions. In such cases, customers turn to warranties and returns to obtain quick and effective solutions. This is where call centers play a crucial role in managing these processes. In this article, we will explore the fundamental role that call centers play in managing warranties and returns of electronic products, highlighting how they can provide a positive customer experience and swift solutions.

Effective Communication: The Key to Success

In the world of warranties and returns, effective communication is essential. Call centers act as the bridge between the customer and the product manufacturer or supplier. Friendly, respectful, and empathetic customer service is crucial in establishing a strong relationship with the consumer from the first contact. Proper training of call center staff is essential to ensure they have in-depth knowledge of the products and the company’s warranty policies. This allows customer service representatives to address customer concerns and queries quickly, thereby improving customer satisfaction and streamlining the warranty management process.

Automation and System Integration

Technology plays a fundamental role in the management of warranties and returns in the realm of electronic products. Modern call centers use integrated systems that allow them to access customer information, purchase history, and product details quickly and efficiently. Moreover, automation of certain processes can significantly expedite the warranty process. For example, implementing case tracking systems and generating return authorization numbers automatically can accelerate the process and provide customers with faster solutions.

Proactive Management of Common Issues

A proactive approach to warranty and return management can considerably reduce the workload for the call center and enhance the customer experience. Identifying common issues with specific electronic products and providing predefined solutions can prevent customers from feeling frustrated and expedite the process. Additionally, call centers can conduct proactive notification campaigns to remind customers about warranty expiration or product updates availability. These actions can increase customer satisfaction and foster brand loyalty.

Personalization and Empathy

Each customer and situation are unique. Call centers that adopt a personalized and empathetic approach can deliver an exceptional customer experience. Actively listening to customer concerns, showing empathy towards their situation, and providing tailored solutions to their needs can make a significant difference.

First-Contact Resolution

One of the primary goals of a call center is to resolve customer issues on the first contact. This is especially important in the case of warranties and returns of electronic products, as customers typically want a quick solution to continue using their product. To achieve this, call centers must invest in training and empowering their staff to make informed decisions and effectively resolve problems. First-contact resolution not only improves customer satisfaction but also reduces operational costs and enhances call center efficiency.


In summary, call centers play a critical role in managing warranties and returns of electronic products. Through effective communication, automation, proactive issue management, personalization, and first-contact resolution, they can provide a positive customer experience and swift solutions. A customer-centric approach and investment in technology and staff training are fundamental to the success of a call center in managing warranties and returns. When done correctly, a call center can become a valuable asset for companies, strengthening customer loyalty and fostering a positive reputation in the electronic products market.

MST Holding is composed of a group of companies specialized in different sectors, one of which specializes in technical support services for electronic products. You can contact us through our website www.mstholding.com or at marketing@mstholding.com.

ESADE Family Business Club students’ visit to MST

On May 22nd we received at our facilities in MST Barcelona the students of the International Full Time MBA, member of the Family Business Club of the prestigious business school ESADE. The visit was part of the conference on management in family businesses and, specifically, as a specific session on Leading Change in the context of Family Business.

We would like to thank Luis Vives, Vice-Dean of Programs at ESADE and Professor of Strategy, and Lakshay Khurana, President-Family Business Club, for counting on MST for the training of future managers and for letting us explain how a Family Business works.

This program aims to provide the specific knowledge and the keys necessary for the board of directors of a family business to enhance the competitive advantages of the family business, while at the same time acting as an element of order in family-business relations.

The family business and its development

Family businesses have a different ownership structure than other types of organizations. Ownership is concentrated in a few shareholders with a kinship link between them.  The combination of high competitive demands of the business environment, economic interest, family loyalties and emotional ties makes the family business particularly complex.

Its management presents some particularities, both in the roles of the different family members and in the work dynamics.

During the visit, the whole group was able to visit the facilities of MST Holding and learn about the different services that are managed from the company and then our CEO, Jessica Barceló, made a presentation and subsequent discussion to understand and discuss together the keys to a family business that, in the case of MST, during its 30 years of evolution, has placed it among the 15 most important companies in the sector in Spain, in terms of turnover, and among the top 10, in terms of profit. During the day, MST showed the participants the knowledge and skills necessary to better understand the dynamics of management in a family business in which changes in business needs, professionalization, the adoption of new technologies, communication processes, or the management of change and roles are the main challenges identified by family businesses.

The visit ended with the participation of Pedro Barceló, founder and current President of the company, who gave a motivational speech to all attendees.

We are proud to be able to collaborate once again with ESADE and we hope to meet again very soon!


MST and Consulting C3 invite you to the First International Conference – Workshop about the new Spanish Customer Service Law

During this event you will learn about the new Customer Service Law’s key points, and you will also be able to ask any doubts or questions you may have. Afterwards, you will participate in a dynamic customer experience workshop related to the new law. Finally, a networking session will take place during a cocktail lunch.

The new Customer Service Law will be presented by Jaime Fernández, Partner at “Augusta Abogados”. The whole session will be led by Jordi Miguel, Training Manager at “Consulting C3.


09:00 – 09:30Welcome and coffee
09:30 – 10:30New Customer Service Law Conference and Q&A session by Jaime Fernández, Augusta Abogados’ partner
10:30 – 10:45New CSL Self-diagnosis Report Presentation by Patricia Guerrero, Consulting Area Manager at Consulting C3
10:45 – 11:00Coffee break
11:00 – 13:30Interactive Customer Experience Workshop led by Jordi Miguel, Training Manager at C3 Consulting
13:30 – 15:00Cocktail Lunch & Networking

Innovation and new business models for utilities

Utilities are facing a reality where customers are increasingly digital and informed. In addition, competition is growing as a result of both the liberalization of markets and the entry of new players. At the same time, technology is accelerating the evolution of handling and customer relations, bringing about many changes. In this constantly evolving context, utilities companies must be prepared to innovate and move towards new business models that meet the needs of the market. To do so, they will need to gain flexibility and agility in their operations.

Agility to meet utility challenges

To achieve flexible and agile utilities, four main points must be attended to:

  • Cultural change, which allows orienting personnel towards innovation and tolerance to change. In companies with a long history, cultural change can be as important as technological change. Only when the entire company is aligned, from management to employees, will it be possible to implement agile methodologies and make changes and innovations quickly.
  •  Business strategy in line with agile ways of operating. Although there must be some guidelines to still do so, there must also be room for change within the company’s core strategy.
  •  Changes towards placing the customer at the center. To meet the challenges of the market, the consumer must be at the center of all decisions, but this is no simple matter. That is why the changes that are made should be oriented towards the customer experience, their needs and their preferences for communicating with the company, etc.

Process optimization and automation. Before there can be a change, there needs to be control over what is currently being done. Therefore, it will be important to analyze the processes in order to optimize them and automate those parts of the company that are necessary. This automation will leave more time for other tasks, making it easier to innovate and introduce changes in the utilities.

New business models in utilities

Once we know the basic guidelines to gain in agility and flexibility, what are the new business models that arise from the opportunities of the new context? On the one hand, there is a clear trend towards digital models, in which communication can be done online and many issues can be solved automatically with a fast and agile customer service. For example, simple doubts or incidents could be solved by Virtual Assistants without human intervention. This will reduce the workload and operating costs of the business.

On the other hand, we can talk about “Energy as a Service” models. Consumers are increasingly interested in energy savings, both for economic and environmental reasons. Therefore, it makes sense for utilities to also offer an advisory customer service to provide individual users, companies or administrations with the best consumption options.

At MST Holding we are experts in customer care services aimed at companies in the utilities sector. At MST we offer global solutions for the outsourcing of technical assistance services (among others), handling the Contact Center through multichannel platforms, adapting to the technological world we live in. We implement state-of-the-art technology in our services to optimize all technical support and customer service management channels. In short, utilities are facing a context in which technology will play a role to achieve more agile and flexible organizations.

For more information contact  marketing@mstholding.comor through our web www.mstholding.com

Which are the benefits of a Call Center for eCommerce?

eCommerce has completely changed the sales landscape for both B2B and B2C. A well-functioning eCommece call center offers all the right tools to support sales operations and increase brand loyalty.

Having an eCommerce contact center provides customers with a team of agents to support them, as well as a variety of digital channels that facilitate communication with the company.

Why use a call center

The role of a call center dedicated to eCommerce is to increase sales, answer questions and solve problems before or after a sale. By setting it up, a company is placing itself in a position to improve the customer experience (CX), engage customers and strengthen brand loyalty.

E-commerce contact centers make it possible to turn a call center into a service that offers multiple channels of communication for customer convenience. In addition, analytics programs provide the opportunity to define metrics and obtain more information to take action for improving the customer experience.

Which are the benefits of call center software for eCommerce?

1) Self-service

Software solutions allow you to set up an automated knowledge base where customers can get answers to common questions without talking to an agent.

2) Omni-channel communication

Customers often prefer to use the phone, and as more and more people use mobile devices, chat, email and text messaging are also popular ways to communicate with companies.

3) Extend customer service hours

With e-commerce, customers are not subject to standard business hours. Call centers allow you to add shifts in the early morning, afternoon or evening, even 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so that an agent is available any time users need help.

4) Using a cloud-based phone system

Cloud-based contact center software allows you to tag calls and create help tickets to optimize workflows.

5) Integrate billing history

Customers will be pleasantly surprised when they call to inquire about a billing issue and the agent responds effectively by having the complete history. Software integrations also give call agents access to order information and shipping dates.

6) Monitoring customer satisfaction

Automation can be used to send out customer satisfaction surveys to get immediate feedback on the service received. In this way, eCommerce can learn how customers view their brand and take necessary action if any issues arise.

7) Using call analytics to evaluate call flows

The cloud telephony system has a live call feature that provides real-time information on call volume and other relevant aspects so that available resources can be used appropriately.

8) Scale the team according to call flows.

Real-time monitoring and other call analytics from the cloud phone system help determine how to scale the call center for those moments when sales trends fluctuate.

9) Set up Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

An IVR system directs calls to the right person or department from the start.

When a company invests in eCommerce customer service, it is setting its customers up for good CX. This investment will be reflected in long-term customer loyalty and increased sales.


The details of the New Customer Service Law

Last April 20th MST Holding in collaboration with Consulting C3 held an event focused on the new and imminent Law on Customer Service.

The main presentation was led by Jaime Fernandez on behalf of Augusta Abogados, and we were able to know, learn and solve doubts about this law.

why a new Law?

  • It aims to improve the rights of consumers by establishing the obligation for big companies as well as for any of the sectors of water, gas and electricity supply services, passenger transport services, postal services and electronic communications services, to have an efficient system to provide information, attend and resolve complaints and claims in an agile manner.
  • The aim is to set maximum time limits for companies to resolve their customers’ complaints, and for telephone customer service to be free of charge, fast and personalized.
  • The customer service will be prevented from providing additional income to the company at the user’s expense or being used to offer other products to the customer.

This new regulation, for whose parliamentary processing emergency procedure has been requested, seeks to guarantee the basic rights of consumers and to establish minimum quality parameters to be met by the mentioned customer services.

Who and how is affected by the Law?

It is a basic rule applied to the whole Spanish territory and each Autonomous Community is free to apply its own quality standards as long as they do not lower the basic rule. It is a law that seeks to prevent the escalation of conflicts to the courts so as not to saturate this sector.

This Law affects companies with more than 250 workers or with a turnover of more than 50 million euros regardless of the service they provide, as well as basic service companies, whatever their volume.

“It is not only the customer who buys, but also to whom something is being offered. When there is an offer of any kind, the application of the Law is already underway” – Jaime Fernandez, Augusta Abogados

The period of application of the Law from the day it is approved in the BOE (Official Newsletter of the State) has increased from 6 to 9 months.

Some of the most important points that every customer service must comply with in terms of quality standards are the following:

+ Humanization of care

Mandatory availability of the possibility of contacting a specialized operator at any time.

The Law Project obliges companies to have Customer Care Services that are adapted to the specific needs of the consumer, and in particular to those more vulnerable.

Accessibility must be guaranteed for all consumers, with special consideration for people with disabilities, or those with less digital training, such as the elderly (over 65 years of age).

+ Service channels

The mandatory channels are postal mail, telephone (free of charge) and electronic means of communication. Companies must always inform users of the channels available to them and are also obliged to use the same channel chosen with the user to still do so with the query, complaint or claim.

+ Omnichannel tracking tools (ticketing) and response time (does not imply resolution):

All communications must be dealt with in the shortest possible time, and never in a period of more than fifteen working days from their submission. In the case of incidents related to the continuity of service in basic contracts of general interest, these must be answered within a maximum period of two hours. In addition, the customer must always be provided with a tracking number or identification code so that it can be followed up.

+ Customer service hours

Customer service hours will be adjusted to the normal business hours of each company. For basic services of general interest or for incidents related to the continuity of the service, customer service shall be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

+ Languages of service

At least all the official languages of the region where the company is located.

+ SLA Service

In the event that communication is made by telephone, a maximum waiting time of 3 minutes must be guaranteed for at least 95% of calls. The call must be recorded and a copy of this recording must be kept, at least, until the corresponding communication has been resolved.  The call should be answered in the same language.

+ Quality audit:

Mandatory internal control system for measuring quality (issued and perceived). All procedures must be documented and submitted to an annual certified external audit. These are public audits that serve to ensure compliance with the law.

+ Penalty system:

It ranges from €150 to €100,000 penalty depending on the severity.

One of the most questioned points of this Law is that so far it has been remarked that companies have to promote and strengthen their digitalization in order not to be left out of the market and to be more efficient. However, with the implementation of this new law, it seems that digitization is no longer the most important thing.

I think it is one of the most uncertain points, because the law talks about being able to move at any time from a conversation with a robot to a conversation with an agent. There are points where you can transfer the call to the agent, but others where you are talking to the machine and it will give you the information without being able to pass it on to the agent,” commented the attendees.

We understand that bots are not outside the law, only that if the client prefers, he can leave the bot. This does not mean that the technology will not be used. It is true that the law is protectionist against certain more vulnerable groups that need to be attended and cared for, but we cannot forget that today’s world is asking us for multichanneling, that the client wants to decide where and how he wants to solve his query and wants to be autonomous.

“There are customers who may prefer to be attended by a machine rather than waiting for a person to attend to them.” According to Patricia Guerrero (Area Manager of Consulting C3), “it will be necessary to think about each type of client”, remembering that there are handling that can take a long time over the phone and can be done on the web in minutes.

Hence reinforcing the idea that companies should still make so with their digitalization process and adapt it to the new Customer Service Law.

Another controversial issue, and a priori difficult to comply with, according to the comments of the attendees, is the one related to the waiting and resolution time, which the draft law establishes, respectively, in three minutes and 15 working days.

The key is to see how it is measured: annual average, monthly average for x breaches per year…” were some of the comments made by the attendees, who added that the 15-day deadline for a response to a resolution may seem reasonable, but it depends on the case and the type of analysis to be carried out.

The measures of this new law may involve a large economic investment for many companies. The processes that must be implemented to approach the adaptation of the regulations entail optimal planning and, in some cases, can lead to frustration for those companies that do not have the resources required to adopt and execute the processes.

In the event that a company cannot take on the creation of a contact center or customer service department, it can always outsource the service and go hand in hand with a company that is an expert in omnichannel customer management.
