How to make your client the protagonist

The client must always be the protagonist of your company: Do you do what is necessary to make it so?

Most companies say their customer is the number one priority. But is it really like that? In this post we give you the keys to make your client the protagonist of your company through the following questions:


  • Do we have the client integrated in all the processes of our company?
  • Do we have it integrated into the decision and strategy processes of the different areas?
  • Do we have it at least integrated into some mechanism that collects your feedback in real time?
  • Is there a possibility that a change in the needs of your customers will affect a modification of your product or service or improve a process quickly?


  • Can the entire organization respond positively to these questions or only some areas of the company?
  • The rest of the company, where is it oriented? To the product, to the intuitions of the partners, to the technology, to the benefits …
  • Do we have internal boycotts to really focus on the customer?
  • Is the leadership dome rather conservative and promotes and is involved in that helm turn?
  • Is there any figure that directs this change and leads the incorporation of the client in the new processes?
  • Do we have a company accustomed to constant change efficiently?


  • The client is asked about his experiences, what he thinks not only of a product but of how the service offered, the processes, the solutions offered are organized?
  • Is the customer asked about their expectations?


  • Is the suggestions for improvement of the workers themselves taken into account?
  • Are workers themselves properly incentivized as the main points of contact with customers?

It is not easy to make a helm turn when your organization is oriented, organized and structured towards other foci that are not “the customer”. It has not always been necessary. But today it is essential.

How to do it?

  1. Social networks help us integrate customer opinion into our processes. Use them to value the positive and improve the least positive.
  2. Do not be afraid of complaints, you just have to do what customers ask us to shout, value how to do it strategically.
  3. Recalculate your costs and reorient the actions based on customer feedback and employee suggestions.
  4. You must be original to fit the puzzle until the gear shift works perfectly.
  5. Use tools that facilitate the work and handling of millions of data to obtain conclusive results.
  6. Take small actions that substantially improve the customer experience, according to your own requests.

What strategy do you use to involve your employees in putting the customer at the center?

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