Excellence, the goal of customer service

Customer service is an essential discipline for any brand selling products or providing services. If we are talking about network marketing, having communication channels with the customer becomes even more relevant if possible.

Whether we hire a customer service through a contact center or we implement it internally in the company, we must take into account that all the messages exchanged in these conversations will be part of the brand content. In other words, our customer service agents will communicate messages that will undoubtedly influence the customer’s perception of our brand.

How to increase customer satisfaction

To boost customer satisfaction, it is important to be clear that our strategies have to revolve around improving customer expectations at all times. The customer is at the very center of any project, campaign or decision we make, showing them that we are committed to facilitating and improving their day-to-day lives.

To ensure that our commercial strategy meets this objective, we need to accurately analyze information on customers’ habits, preferences and consumption needs. Ideally, we should create our own database, managing the information in a coordinated way so that each department is clear about the actions to be implemented. In this way, we will achieve customer satisfaction at every step we take, from customer acquisition to the final goal of customer loyalty.

We must also bear in mind that, in the digital era, all our sales and customer acquisition platforms must be connected in order to allow the user to access information and continue with the purchasing process, regardless of the means they decide to use at any given time.

To this end, our website must allow easy, fluid and efficient access to information from any connection device, as well as to other brand channels such as corporate blogs and social networks.

Keys to achieve excellence in customer service

Key messages

Excellence in customer service is essential, in any case, but if we take into account the communicative nature of any message to be issued, we will pay more attention to the process of creating customer service manuals, as well as to the quality control process.

A bad customer service policy can ruin any marketing and communication strategy, no matter how solid it may be. To achieve excellence in customer service, the process of designing and creating responses for our agents must be precise and involve different departments and professionals.

Managing expectations

If we are looking for excellent customer service, we must keep in mind that the customer will contact us with the expectation that, at the very least, we will solve his or her problem. Obviously, it will not always be possible to solve it on the spot, but our goal will be to exceed this expectation. If this cannot be done by means of an immediate solution, we will have to do it by means of our own attention and the application of the protocol defined in each case. One way to meet the client’s expectations, even if we cannot solve the case at the time, will be to support the client until the incident is completely resolved.

To manage these high expectations is also to know the service or product and to be able to transmit the ideas with confidence, clarity and transparency. When solving a problem, doubt or query from a customer, we must not allow ourselves to hesitate or sound unsure. We must know the brand’s products and services perfectly well and we must also convey the feeling that we know them.

In short, achieving excellence in customer service is nothing more than the application of common sense to this type of work, but we must keep this in mind so as not to allow failures in the whole process of providing the service.


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